Search not finding keywords

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Alec Johnson
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:39 am

Search not finding keywords

Post by Alec Johnson »

I entered new FAQs complete with Keywords, but when I used these keywords as search terms they failed to find the FAQs, although the FAQs are definitely in the system. Is there something I failed to do to get search to work properly?

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Post by stephan »

Have you read the documentation? It mentions a shortcoming of MySQL. It will not find any search terms shorter or equal to three characters. If the search word or phrase is contained in at least half the entries (such as the words "and", "link" or whatever you use often) it will also not show up as a result.

For the search to work yu will need at least a handfull of entries (let's say 5 or 10), a search term with at least 4 characters that is not contained in 50% of your entries.

If this is not it, Thorsten probably coded a li'l ol' buggy ;-)

Alec Johnson
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:39 am

Post by Alec Johnson »

Well that would explain it. I was able to search perfectly well on longer search terms. Seems an odd shortcoming for MySQL to have. At any rate, thanks for letting me know.

Best wishes,
stephan wrote:Have you read the documentation? It mentions a shortcoming of MySQL. It will not find any search terms shorter or equal to three characters. If the search word or phrase is contained in at least half the entries (such as the words "and", "link" or whatever you use often) it will also not show up as a result.

For the search to work yu will need at least a handfull of entries (let's say 5 or 10), a search term with at least 4 characters that is not contained in 50% of your entries.

If this is not it, Thorsten probably coded a li'l ol' buggy ;-)

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Post by stephan »

Anytime ;-)

That's one of the reasons why I'm waiting for the PosgreSQL version od phpMyFAQ :-)

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Post by Thorsten »

Hi Stephan,

you can use MySQL, there you can set some of the fulltex seach variables like the length.

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