Navigation suggestion

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Navigation suggestion

Post by ramon »

Hello all,

First of all, I'd like to congratulate the team for such a nice, simple to work, yet powerful FAQ system.

I'm working on a general faq (1.6.10) for our institution (testing/development server is not accessible outside our netword), which has many categories and subcategories. We decided to host all the faqs in one installation because of maintenance issues, as well as giving users the opportunity to browse other faqs they didn't know about when they came in.

This said, we would like to hide the main categories that are not being accessed at the time. For example, I have 3 main categories, and the 2nd has 4 subcats, and many more subcats within those. I'd like to hide categories 1 and 3, while maintaining 2, as well as Home, Sitemap and Show All.

Is there a way to do this with the current version? If not, could you think about adding a configuration option to "hide other categories"?

Thanks again.
Ramón Fonseca
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Post by matteo »

Hi Ramón,
unfortunately for you, nothing can be done without any code hack in 1.6.x and the feature of hiding categories, using users and groups permissions, could be achieved with the incoming 2.0.0 (currently in beta stage).
A possible hack in 1.6.x could be that of adding the internal category identifiers to the UL LI list in the left pane and customizing the CSS to use display:none against those categories you want to hide. Another way could be to drop the 1st and 3rd cat within the printCategories function in [PATH_TO_PMFINSTALL]/inc/category.php file.

phpMyFAQ QA / Developer Wishlist
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