I want to delete the languages/translations (admin/?action=translist) in the version 2.9.4, but I get the error message "Fehler beim Löschen der Sprachdatei", when clicking on the trash bin button.
How can I get rid of all that languages? I only want german and english to choose for the visitors.
PS: Sorry, I opened this thread in the wrong subforum. Please put it into the bugs forum.
"Fehler beim Löschen der Sprachdatei"
Moderator: Thorsten
Re: "Fehler beim Löschen der Sprachdatei"
As a workaround, I have deleted the translations files via FTP directly on the webserver
Re: "Fehler beim Löschen der Sprachdatei"
does the webserver has the permissions to delete the file?
does the webserver has the permissions to delete the file?
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