I did multiple installations in case there was something wrong at the setup (had no error messages) but I still have the same issue :
When I insert an external video (youtube), nothing happens, I see that the video is recognized properly as I see the size and the code in the embeded tab but nothing happens when I validate.
If I try to insert a video that I previously copied in the image folder, I see a gray square in the admin mode and in preview or the standard view, I get a mini player but the picture is black.
Everything else seems to work properly (did create multiple FAQ/categories... for testing)
I was starting to think it was not working yet on this version but I tried to add a youtube video on the demo version you provide online and it worked perfectly.
I installed on Windows 2019 server with IIS, Mysql 8 and PHP 8.1.7 (tried 7.3.4, same issue)
Could you help me figure out what is the issue please ?
Insert media of video not working
Moderator: Thorsten
Re: Insert media of video not working
which version do you use?
which version do you use?
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