I got
Our company developer found the issue and fixed it from our end.phpMyFAQ Fatal error Uncaught exception: 'TypeError' Message: 'phpMyFAQ\Helper\FaqHelper::renderMarkupContent(): Argument #1 ($answer) must be of type string, null given, called in /home/iconicprod/public_html/Staff/KB/faq.php on line 107' Stack trace: #0 /home/iconicprod/public_html/Staff/KB/faq.php(107): phpMyFAQ\Helper\FaqHelper->renderMarkupContent(NULL) #1 /home/iconicprod/public_html/Staff/KB/index.php(803): require('/home/iconicpro...') #2 {main} Thrown in '/home/iconicprod/public_html/Staff/KB/src/phpMyFAQ/Helper/FaqHelper.php' on line
If you can please correct this in the next update so that we don't have to always fix this bug.The main issue was that staff members were not redirected to the login page when they entered the URL directly. If a user hasn't signed in and tries to access an FAQ, they should be redirected to the login page. After signing in, they can view the content of the URL. However, in some cases, they were not redirected and instead received error messages.
For example:
https://staff.iconic.productions/KB/ind ... on_id=1218
https://staff.iconic.productions/KB/ind ... on_id=1377
https://staff.iconic.productions/KB/ind ... on_id=1369
If you try to access these URLs without signing in, you would encounter a fatal error.
The issue occurred because phpMyFAQ returned a NULL query result, leading to the fatal error. I fixed the bug by redirecting users to the sign-in page whenever the query result is NULL.
Since this is a third-party app, unless they address their potential issues, we will need to fix these bugs after each update.