Dublin Core (DC) metadata automatic creation... (and Zotero

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Dublin Core (DC) metadata automatic creation... (and Zotero

Post by pt20100201 »

Proposal : Dublin Core (DC) metadata automatic creation by phpMyFAQ (and Zotero use)

Dear Sirs

Fortunately phpMyFAQ is database agnostic (also in other areas: microformats…)

However, the existence of DC metadata in WebPages (and other documents) is useful, if not on the Internet (due to META tags incorrect use), at least on intranets.

Recent OS versions (and external search engines) use metadata information present in files (besides its contents) to find results to user queries.

If the metadata (subject, keywords …) is generated by the file author the probability of obtaining more accurate matches is higher (and partially controlled by the file creator).

phpMyFAQ generates common HTML META tags with some of the data applicable to DC (title, author…)

Unqualified DC is a simple way to embed metadata in documents even by “common” users (qualified DC has a broader application/integration but is more strict/complex to the average user).

FAQs are important sources of information, a correct reference to them and automatic data extraction are useful features.

- Example of use

Please note: we are not endorsing the (free) add-on; we’re just making reference to our experience with it.

The free Zotero add-on ( http://www.zotero.org/ ) for Firefox – with Endnote-like features – allows users to, among other features, take snapshots of WebPages with associated metadata (title, author, date…), if available. It has the ability of automatically fill those fields on Zotero’s internal database (very useful) and insert references in office-like documents. Please see the attached file.

On our phpMyFAQ driven FAQ site, we have implemented DC in the WebPages template(s) on a raw test basis.

None of the DC arguments is mandatory.

The following XHTML code on the template (see the full example on the attached file)

Code: Select all

<meta name="dc.title" content="{title}" />
<meta name="dc.creator" content="{metaPublisher}" />
<meta name="dc.date" content="2010-02-08" />
<meta name="dc.language" content="{metaLanguage}-PT" />
<meta name="dc.subject" content="FAQ , …" />
<meta name="dc.description" content="Principal: …" />
<meta name="dc.description" content="Espec&iacute;fica: resposta &agrave; FAQ: {title} " />
<meta name="dc.description" content="Palavras-chave: {metaKeywords} " />
<meta name="dc.publisher" content="{metaPublisher}" />
<meta name="dc.rights" content="{metaPublisher}" />
<meta name="dc.rights" content="https://faqs.up.pt/ … /copyright.html" />
<meta name="dc.coverage" content="Portugal" />
<meta name="dc.format" content="text/html . Documento digital …" />
<meta name="dc.type" content="Documento electr&oacute;nico em XHTML" />
generates the XHTML page code

Code: Select all

<meta name="dc.title" content="UP - FAQs - Zotero …" />
<meta name="dc.creator" content="Universidade do Porto. Reitoria …" />
<meta name="dc.date" content="2010-02-08" />
<meta name="dc.language" content="pt-PT" />
<meta name="dc.subject" content="FAQ , …" />
<meta name="dc.description" content="Principal: …" />
<meta name="dc.description" content="Espec&iacute;fica: resposta &agrave; FAQ: UP - FAQs - Zotero : … " />
<meta name="dc.description" content="Palavras-chave: … , Zotero vs Endnote , … " />
<meta name="dc.publisher" content="Universidade do Porto. Reitoria …" />
<meta name="dc.rights" content="Universidade do Porto. Reitoria …" />
<meta name="dc.rights" content="https://faqs.up.pt/ … /copyright.html" />
<meta name="dc.coverage" content="Portugal" />
<meta name="dc.format" content="text/html . Documento digital …" />
<meta name="dc.type" content="Documento electr&oacute;nico em XHTML" />
On the file pt20100201-phpmyfaq-forum-post-attach-20100217.zip you may find the complete “DC” code and screenshots of automatic metadata extraction and visualization.

If you find this use of DC useful you may consider using it in your templates (and if it is really “popular” it could be included on the original phpMyFAQ distribution…)

Kind regards
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Re: Dublin Core (DC) metadata automatic creation... (and Zotero

Post by Thorsten »


thanks for this contribution. I won't add it to the main package, but I'll stick it here in the forum.

phpMyFAQ Maintainer and Lead Developer
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