Fonts - Awesome vs ForkAwesome and other for specific use

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Fonts - Awesome vs ForkAwesome and other for specific use

Post by pt20100201 »

Fonts - Awesome vs ForkAwesome and other for specific use
Dear Development Team

The Awesome font [1] is used by phpMyFAQ for several reasons.

We think that it would be useful to provide an alternate - but similar - font that could be used to "fine tune" some details (just an example).

ForkAwesome [2] has 745 "pictographic icons" - so it is an possible choice.

An hosting service may add extra fonts, however it may be difficult (or impossible) to convince it's Administrator to do that.

Fonts to specific use

This is a different (and optional) situation.

phpMyFAQ may be (an is) used for other purposes than a FAQ service - there is an old post[3] regarding its use in Mathematics and Chemistry.
SVG Fonts are now deprecated, so a specialized font would be necessary - and if MathML is supported, specialized fonts are very useful to obtain an high quality result.
Music is another interesting area of use.

As said above, these are optional and specific areas -its support could lead to an high number of requests of this kind that isn't the native purpose of phpMyFAQ.
Is there a simple and secure method to add these specific fonts by an user? - that would be useful.

[1] Awesome font [2] Fork Awesome font [3] Old post about SVG / phpMyFAQ Please notice that
the software and other resources referred are based in our experiments: we don't officially recommend and/or endorse them.
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Re: Fonts - Awesome vs ForkAwesome and other for specific use

Post by Thorsten »


Fork Awesome looks great, we could use them for 3.0.

phpMyFAQ Maintainer and Lead Developer Wishlist
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