Hi again,
I have another problem. Our DBA has recently set up a webserver for us and the database needed. I installed phpMyFAQ successfully and I was able to navigate from hostname/index.php. I was able to add a question. However, I cannot login and I'm getting the 404 not found error message code.
When I used the hostname/admin/index.php, after logging in using my admin name and password, I am directed to the admin page but I cannot do anything else. I tried to update and save from Main Configuration and I got this error message
"The requested URL /admin/ was not found on this server."
When I tried to add a main category, I got this error message
You don't have permission to access /admin/ on this server."
I contacted our DBA to make sure that I have the full rights and he said yes.
Is there something that I am missing?
Appreciate your help.
Cannot login as admin
Moderator: Thorsten
Re: Cannot login as admin
Please ignore this post as it was resolved by our DBA.