change the color of the navigation bar

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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by Thorsten »


do you have the logo image for me, I would add everything then.

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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by tonyd »

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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by tonyd »

Hi Thorsten,

Any time to get the logo above the navbar? regards Tony :)
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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by Thorsten »


you can add the logo in your index.tpl file like this:

Code: Select all

            <a class="brand" title="{header}" href="{faqHome}">
                <img src="" alt="{header}"style="height: 25px !important;">
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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by tonyd »

Thorsten wrote:Hi,

you can add the logo in your index.tpl file like this:

Code: Select all

            <a class="brand" title="{header}" href="{faqHome}">
                <img src="" alt="{header}"style="height: 25px !important;">
Hi Thorsten,

Do i need to put this in the Head? or body? i tried some options but nothing happens
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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by Thorsten »


that has to be changed in the header of the body.

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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by tonyd »

Thorsten wrote:Hi,

that has to be changed in the header of the body.

Hi Thorsten, i realy dont know what doing wrong. i have put it in the header but no luck. can you tell me where to put it in the code below? When i add it to the existing header it enters the logo into the navbar itself.... i want to have the logo above the navbar with whitespace that has the height of the logo.

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Re: change the color of the navigation bar

Post by Thorsten »


here's the code:

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